Four reasons to spend your vacation in Western Region

The best place to have an integrated complex experience of safe beaches and Ghanaian touch beach resorts are the Western Region.

The western Region is located in the southwestern part of Ghana and shares its west boundary with the Republic of Cote D’Ivoire. The region has amazingly great features like it is water villages on silt.

A visitor can charter a local canoe out to the village and actually stay overnight in good lodges and guest house on the water. brings to you intriguing reasons why the Western Region is a place worth visiting.

  1. Principal economic activities

 The land is full of trade and has an appreciable economic status. The trading culture was actually more prevalent in the Western region at the time of colonization here in Ghana.

It has the largest collection of European trading forts which was later used in water slave. Their belief and indulgence in Agriculture are very commendable. From fishing to farming (commercial and subsistence) are the many things you sure to find most of its constituents in.

  1. Rich Tradition

 It is interesting to note how foreign contact and modern economic development hasn’t influenced the rich culture of people of the western region. The kundum festival is the most known celebrated by the people of the western region.

The Kundum is not celebrated by the Ahanta’s alone as mostly perceived but it is also celebrated by the Nzema’s. The festival is a harvest festival and it is also celebrated as a period to remember the dead and cleanse the community as well.

  1. Nature

The Western Region is one of the best botanical locales for loves of nature. The region is the richest forest in terms of botanical diversity in the Country. About three hundred (300) plant species have been recorded in a single hectare. Notable among the plant are Makore, Dahoma and Khaya.

Ankasa is home to many wells know plants including Marantas, Glory bower, Bloody Lilly. There are also spectacular ferns and orchards. It has a relatively wild life too.

Its forest elephant as well as ten (10) primate species including the endangered Diana monkey and West African Chimpanzee abound in Ankasa. Bird fauna is also rich – at least 263 bird species have been recorded so far.

4.Tourist Attractions

Nzulezu village

  The land is another region with a rich heritage demonstrated by the number of castles still open to visitors. The best examples in the region are Fort Sebastian at Saha,Fort Cross at Dixcove, Fort St Appolonia  at Benyin and many more.

The region also has a spectacular feature that attracts tons of tourist lately;the village on silt of Nzulezu. This village is found on the lake. Nzulezu has become the most visited attraction in recent times.

Source: adomonline

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