16th Jul 2019 | Elizabeth Sasu
The Western Region has Sekondi Takoradi as its administrative capital. The region covers a total land area of 23,921 square kilometers making it about 10% of Ghana’s total land area. It is bordered to the north by the Ashanti and Brong Ahafo regions, to the east by the Central Region and on the west by La Cote d’ivoire. The southern part is covered by the Gulf of Guinea.
According to the 2010 Census the total population of the region was 2,376,021 with a growth rate of 1.8%. The estimated total population for 2018 stands at 3,023,529. According to the census report the sex ratio is almost 100. Approximately, 70% of the population are engaged by the Agriculture sector whiles the remaining 30% are into Industry and Service.
Major industries in the region include Mining, tourism, fishing, livestock farming, cocoa processing, timber processing and palm oil processing. The unemployment rate stood at 4%, however a labour force survey conducted in 2017, puts the unemployment rate for ages between 15-35 years at 14.6%. (GSS,2017) A total of 7.6% of the population are in abject poverty.
The Western Region has 23 MMDAs and 26 Constituencies. The major dialects are Nzema, Ahanta, Sefwi, Wassa and Aowin, however the dominant languages spoken are Fante and English. The region is endowed with natural resources and it leads in the production of cocoa, gold, bauxite, manganese, oil, rubber, coconut and oil palm in the country. Other resources such as kaolin, timber, other forest resources, wild life, fisheries, natural gas and clay can be found in the region.
The region is also the birth place of Ghana’s First President.
The Office of the Western Regional Coordinating Council (WRCC) exists to facilitate the overall development of the Region by effectively coordinating, monitoring and evaluating the activities of the Ministries, Departments, Agencies, Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies as well as the Private Sector, including Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) operating in the Region, in order to improve the quality of life of the people.
To be a Region of high standard of living where the dreams and aspirations of the people are attained in a peaceful atmosphere through sustainable development.
The WRCC is committed to the following values:
Ø Professionalism in delivering public service with transparency, accountability, efficiency, timeliness, effectiveness and above all, client satisfaction as hallmarks.
Ø Good institutional (corporate) governance by way of compliance with all laws and regulations; and internalisation of teamwork, results orientation and ethical behavior among officers and staff at all levels.
Source: gh-aviation