Africa World Airlines flies daily to Freetown and Monrovia

8th Aug 2019 | Elizabeth Sasu

Africa World Airlines Limited (AWA) is further strengthening its regional presence in West Africa by increasing flights between Accra and both Freetown and Monrovia to daily services effective 05th September 2019.

The new flights will provide daily seamless connections to/from South African Airways’ (SAA) newly announced additional flights to Washington DC 🇺🇸 via Accra, as well as to Abuja and Lagos in Nigeria.

AWA’s Head of Commercial, Richard Kyereh said: “AWA’s partnership with SAA has helped both carriers to jointly offer more options to travelers from West Africa. Our home base at Accra’s new Terminal 3 has proven to be a very popular connecting point, and aviation gateway to the entire region.”

The new schedule will operate as below (Local Time).

AW344 ACC dep 1000 arr 1230 FNA Mo/We/Th/Sa
AW344 FNA dep 1300 arr 1400 ROB
AW344 ROB dep 1430 arr 1630 ACC

AW324 ACC dep 1000 arr 1200 ROB Tu/Fr/Su
AW324 ROB dep 1230 arr 1330 FNA 
AW324 FNA dep 1400 arr 1630 ACC

Africa World Airlines commenced operations in 2012 and has grown to become Ghana’s largest air carrier today. AWA was recently voted as “Best Airline in West Africa” at the Balafon Travel Awards.

#Airlines #Ghana #Nigeria #flyAWA #Accra #Abuja #Freetown #Monrovia #Lagos #flySAA

Source: gh-aviation

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