Air Senegal starts flights to Accra today

16th Dec 2019 | Elizabeth Sasu

Air Senegal started flights to Accra, Ghana today the 16th of December, 2019.

The Airline will be plying the Dakar-Accra route directly 4 times in a week, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.

A water Canon salute met the aircraft as it touched down around 5:28am in Accra. There were 67 passengers in total onboard the Airbus A319 with 44 passengers transiting through Accra to Lagos.

According to the Minister for Aviation, Kofi Adda during the welcome ceremony,  “It is important for Ghana and it is important for West Africa as the connectivity on the continent will improve with the direct flights being offered by Air Senegal. So now, when you want to go to Senegal you don’t have to go to Bamako, Niger nor Europe before coming back to Senegal. You can go straight to Dakar.”

The minister further on stated that, Ghana will soon join the race of Africa carriers with its home-based carrier.

The Commercial Manager for the Airline, Assane SAMBE, said that, the Airline offering Direct flights will drive competition to lower fares

“Currently we are the only Airline offering Direct flights between Ghana and Senegal which is a real need for this continent. Also when we check competition, prices were so high and sometimes going to Europe was less expensive than flying on the continent which is ridiculous and we are trying to change that,” he said.

Check out the schedules below
HC315 DSS0200 – 0530ACC0630 – 0830LOS 319 x246
HC316 LOS0930 – 0930ACC1030 – 1400DSS 319 x246


Source: gh-aviation

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