Amadeus Travel Agencies Forum

28th May 2019 | Elizabeth Sasu

Amadeus Ghana organized a Travel Agencies Forum on the 23rd of May 2019.

A hundred and fifty (150) Travel Agents met to brainstorm on the best solutions and products developed by Amadeus at GS Plaza in Accra. The agents had the opportunity to update their knowledge and capture the best investment opportunities to generate more revenue for their business.

Expects from Amadeus were on ground to help the Travel Agents understand how they can increase efficiency in service delivery, cut cost and still generate additional revenues. All of the top Travel Agencies in Ghana were present.

The event ended with a buffet offered by GS Plaza. The forum was fully coordinated by Mr Yann Gilbert, MD, Amadeus Nigeria and Ghana, Mr Olivier Baret, Head of Delivery, Middle East and Africa, Olayinka OLALEYE, Delivery Manager Nigeria and Ghana and Mr Blaise OBOT, Country Manager, Ghana.

Source: gh-aviation

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