15th Feb 2019 | Elizabeth Sasu
The Mininistry of Aviation’s representative, Mr William Orhin, has categorically stated that, “this time the airline of Ghana will not fail.” This statement was made during a press soiree on Wednesday 13th February, 2019.
Mr Orhin made reference to the two previous National Carriers, Ghana Airways (State Owned) and Ghana International Airlines ( 70% State Owned 30% Private) which failed because of “our attitudes as Ghanaians.” He said, “the new homebased carrier will have 10% shares for Government, 41% shares for Ghanaian private investors and 49% shares for International investors.”
Ethiopian Airlines has been selected as a strategic partner because their business plan suits the model Ghana is looking at.
Ghana will start flying the Homebased carrier in the latter part of Q1 if the deal with Ethiopian Airlines pulls through.
The carrier will ply routes like Accra to London, the Americas, West Africa and even domestic. Modern Aircrafts will used and pricing of fares will be based on cost plus margin making it affordable for all.
There will be no Government interference in running this airline, as stated by the Ministry.
Source: gh-aviation