PassionAir grounds aircraft

31st Oct 2018 | Elizabeth Sasu

Passionair, a ghanaian domestic carrier had an AOG yesterday 30th October,  2018 in Tamale Airport.

According to the COO of the airline Mr. Idi Maswaure, one of the computer boxes in the aircraft had a fault indication which warranted the aircraft to be grounded in Tamale.

He said, “as safety is our prime obligation, engineers have been sent today to tamale with another computer box to replace the other one”.

At the time of writing this story, engineers are still on ground trying to rectify the situation.

According to some passengers of the airline, their flights have been cancelled today.

Passionair is a new domestic carrier operating two bombardier aircrafts, DASH-8 Q400, from Accra to Kumasi and Tamale daily.

GH-Aviation reported a few weeks ago about the taxiway excursion involving one of their aircrafts which resulted in the destruction of the landing gear.

The plane is still on ground pending the GCAA’s completion of their investigation.

Read on:

AOG- Aircraft on ground

Source: gh-aviation

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