Video: Qatar Airways CEO speaks on coronavirus threat and its impact on air travel

7th Feb 2020 | Elizabeth Sasu

Qatar Airways Chief Executive Officer Akbar Al Baker discusses the impact of the coronavirus on the airline and the wider aviation industry.

He speaks with Bloomberg’s Simone Foxman at the CAPA Qatar Aviation conference in Doha.

Coronavirus is making its way rapidly across China by infecting hundreds with the virus and killing at least four people since December.

Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that included the likes of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).

The latest discovery relating to the coronavirus group is the seventh to be discovered and has proved to be fatal, with four deaths coming from China as a result of the latest outbreak.

Aviation remains as safe as any other form of mass transport following the new coronavirus outbreak.

Watch the video below.


Source: gh-aviation

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