Aviation staff angry over encroachment on land

21st Feb 2020 | Emmanuel Kojo

The staff of the Civil Aviation Authority has expressed concern about what they said is the deteriorating state of aviation safety in the country.

According to the staff, the encroachment on aviation lands will cause a problem in the future.

In an interview with Accra-based Citi FM, Spokesperson for the Workers Union of the GCAA, William Wilberforce Amoako, illustrated how the National Cathedral project and its attendant evacuation of judges from their residences at Ridge, is affecting the GCAA.

“The lands in question are for private development and the resettling of the judges. But since the area has been demarcated, the government has taken over a portion while another portion has been allocated to the people of La. But it is our portion that we are having challenges with. We expect that the GCAA belongs to the government, as such, whatever the government takes should be for the GCAAA and not for individuals,” he said.

He added: “We have only been given fifteen out of the ninety acres which is not enough for the equipment that we have, and we plan to have in future. For the safety of flights, we need these lands for aviation development.”

The areas cited by the Aviation Staff as being encroached upon are the GCAA lands at La Nkwatanang, La TX at Cantonments, Ashalley Botwe, and an area around the East Legon Tunnel all in Accra.

The lands to be used by the GCAA, but are gradually being taken over per the workers’ claims; range between 60 and 800 acres.

Source: gh-aviation

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