Kotoka airport stops for Kumkum Bhagya stars

22nd Jan 2018 | Elizabeth Sasu

Security officers pulled out their mobile phones, anxious visitors waiting for their loved ones suddenly found new love all in a cacophonous rush to see Indian movie stars of the telenovela, Kumkum Bhagya.

Indian movie stars you would say? Well yes. Adom TV in a language-breaking move that is also ground-breaking in the telenovela industry, translated Indian language into an Akan dialect, Twi.

And like wildfire, Kumkum Bhagya spread across the country keeping families abound before the TV in the evening. Some say late-to-come-home-husbands suddenly dropped the habit and the excuse of traffic. Home sweet home.

And so after many episodes and side shows, Adom TV producers have produced the stars right here in Ghana for a national tour expected to fill the stadia.

Source: myjoyonline

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