Private Organizations within the Tourism Chain Benefit from the Ghana Tourism Authority Support Project

The Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) and the National Service Scheme (NSS) this year, have collaborated with other private organizations to take in more NSS personnel in a support scheme for the tourism industry.

The motive behind this project is to improve the tourism industry and also grow small businesses which have been adversely affected by the  COVID-19 pandemic. This is also to improve the technical skills of the national service personnel as most students after university do not have the technical skills for the job market but rather theory. The project was also done to allow some personnel acquire knowledge outside their field of study. This project organized by the GTA is a good and helpful one.

Photo credit: voyagesafriq

According to Gladys Abgoyie, “the Ghana Tourism Authority organized the support project to give me the opportunity to learn more about my field.  Ghana tourism Authority collaborated with private organizations in the hospitality sector like, TIGERBASE TRAVEL AND TOURS to allow me render my one-year national service. Basically TIGERBASE TRAVEL AND TOUR as the name implies deals in offering tour packages to people who want to tour around.”

“My one year of service in this organization is going to allow me know more about the tourism Industry. This is also going to help me know the technical strategies used to grow and improve the tourism industry. Hopefully this project is going to be one of the best support project the Ghana Tourism Authority and the National Service Scheme (NSS) have initiated and it has come to stay” – Agboyie said.


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