African Sports Tourism Week, the continent’s premier and pan-African sports travel trade brand will be hosting Aviation Cup Africa Tour, a golf tournament scheduled to hold in different regions of the continent.
According to the President/Founder of African Sports Tourism Week, Prince Deji Ajomale-McWord, “the event is a celebration of how much aviation aides sports tourism in the 21st century. It is also a celebration of all that golf and aviation have in common”.
“Do you know that the famous golf equipment manufacturer called Callaway consulted Boeing on the Aerodynamic performance of their XR-16 driver, which was launched at the first PGA Tour event in the 2016 season? There’s an area of the putting green on the golf course, that’s called Apron. There’s a part of every airport that’s called an apron. A golf ball is the only sport ball that spends most of its time on a playing field, in flight. In fact, there’s a golf terminology called flight. These are some of the things golf and aviation have in common”, Prince Deji added.
The golf tour will be teed off with the West/Central African Leg, which will begin with a cocktail and end with a round of golf in Ikoyi Club 1938 on the 11th of March, 2022. It would feature golfing aviation personnel/personalities from around the West/Central African regions, and other golfers.
It would feature multiple formats of play and categories for different service providers sections of the industry.
The tour will proceed to yet-to-be revealed East African nation and dates, later in the year, after which it would make a stop by in South Africa for the Southern African Leg
The West African Leg will be ceremonially teed off by some top icons in the Nigerian Aviation space.