Banjul Accord Group Strengthens Aviation Safety, Ensuring a Safer West African Sky

In a significant stride towards enhancing aviation safety in the region, the Banjul Accord Group gathered on the 28th July, 2023 in Accra, Ghana to work on setting up a permanent secretariat in one of its member states which will be dedicated in ensuring the smooth operation of the group.

The theme for the meeting was, “Working together for an innovative and sustainable global aviation”  aimed at ensuring a safer West African sky for travelers and airlines.

Comprising Cabo Verde, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone, this regional aviation agreement has been working collaboratively to promote cooperation, standardization, and capacity-building measures in civil aviation matters within member states.

The Banjul Accord Group, named after the capital city of The Gambia where it was established in 2004, has been unwavering in its commitment to strengthening safety measures and air traffic management in the member states. For the Director General of the Gambia Civil Aviation Authority who doubles as the Head of the Banjul Accord Group Secretariat, Fansu Bojang, “the idea of creating the group is to create a regional safety organization which is the BAGASOO that will serve as the backdrop for all member states that we can fall back on to carry out our foresight functions and so the reason why we are have gathered in Ghana today is to review and look at the strides we’ve made in this direction and look at our shortfalls and what we need to make it better.”

Through collective efforts and shared expertise, the group aims to mitigate risks and enhance aviation standards across West Africa. According to the Director General of the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority, Capt. Musa Nuhu, “the group assists member states when they are having ICAO audits (International Civil Aviation Organization audits) and the last state they assisted was Sierra Leone which went from about 18% to about 74% of effective implementation.”

A key focus of the Banjul Accord Group’s initiatives lies in harmonizing regulations and sharing best practices among its member states. By unifying safety protocols and procedures, the group seeks to create a cohesive and standardized approach to aviation safety, fostering a more secure airspace for millions of passengers.

Joint safety assessments and regular evaluations have been pivotal in identifying areas for improvement and addressing potential safety concerns. Through these assessments, the group proactively works towards mitigating risks and ensuring compliance with international safety standards.

One of the crucial aspects of the Banjul Accord Group’s efforts is its commitment to capacity building. Continuous training and development programs are conducted for aviation professionals, including pilots, air traffic controllers, and airport personnel. These programs equip professionals with the latest knowledge and skills, instilling a culture of safety and diligence in their day-to-day operations.

Moreover, the Banjul Accord Group has taken significant strides in developing airport infrastructure and upgrading air navigation services. By investing in modern technologies and facilities, the group ensures that its member states remain at the forefront of aviation safety and efficiency.

Through seamless collaboration and shared resources, the group’s member states have seen tangible improvements in aviation safety standards. From more reliable air traffic management to enhanced airport facilities, the benefits of the Banjul Accord Group’s efforts are evident across West African skies.

As air travel continues to grow in the region, the Banjul Accord Group’s collective commitment to safety remains steadfast. The group’s initiatives serve as a model for regional cooperation in civil aviation matters, setting an example for other regions to emulate.

With the Banjul Accord Group at the helm, travelers and airlines can have confidence in the safety and security of West African skies. As the group continues to evolve and expand its efforts, it reinforces its position as a driving force behind a safer and more resilient aviation landscape in West Africa.

The Banjul Accord Group is an aviation agreement among seven West African countries: Cabo Verde, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. It was established to promote cooperation and standardization in civil aviation matters among the member states.

The agreement is named after Banjul, the capital city of The Gambia, where the initial meeting took place in 2007 to create the framework for this regional aviation initiative. The main objective of the Banjul Accord Group is to enhance aviation safety, improve air traffic management, and develop airport infrastructure in the participating countries.

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